1) Match the guest authors and facts (enter by noon PST; drawing will be held at 1:00 p.m. PST).
2) Day 12 daily drawing (enter by 6:00 p.m. PST; drawing will be held immediately after).
3) Grand Prize drawing of a fully decorated Christmas tree (post a comment by 8:00 p.m. PST; drawing will be immediately after).

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Author Name: Christine Young

Current release: The Locket

Web site & blog:

Favorite holiday memory: Christmas is such a wonderful family time. It seems every year is very special. I just really don't have a favorite. But this year I'm counting down the days until my daughter comes home on December 15. 

What's on your wish list for Christmas: My wish list for Christmas this year--my daughter home safely and all my family around with us.


Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Welcome, Chris! And thank you for being my guest author today.

You've written historical, contemporary and futuristic romances. How does your Muse cross all those time periods and not mix them up?

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Another question for you, Chris. You recently started a new venture: an e-publishing company.

Would you also tell us what you are looking for in submissions, and what your vision for the future of this company is?

Thanks again for joining us!

Christine Young said...

When I write, I'm in a time machine. I transport myself to the current time period. I even find myself talking as if I were in that time period and using the slang of the time period. My walking partner thinks I'm nuts sometimes but I think she is finally getting used to the strange person she walks hundreds of miles with.

I am looking for creative and beautiful romances. I have recieved few submissions in this category and would love to have more. I would like to see the company expand and grow and be known for publishing creative and imaginative fiction. I am not looking for "cookie cutter" manuscripts or ones that match a formula. I am willing to take a chance on new and unpublished writers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

I just checked out your web site, but I'm not sure what I was looking at. Is this a sport team?

As a mom with three sons, I can certain see why having your daughter home would be the best Christmas gift of all.

Good luck with your new publishing adventure. What is the name of your publishing company?

Wishing you and yours a happy holiday. Donna

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Chris, I like your time machine analogy. I've not considered writing historical, because I'd have to do a LOT of research to write knowledgeably about a specific time period.

However, I am intrigued by the idea of building future worlds, so maybe someday...when my other projects are done. :)

I'll put in a plug for Chris' e-publishing company, Rogue Phoenix Press ****. They will be publishing the print version of my Dec. 12 release, FEATHERS ON THE FLOOR, which is being released in electronic formats from Awe-Struck E-Books that same day. Check out their Web site for some of their other releases!

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Hi, Donna! So glad you could stop by!

In case Chris is up to her eyeballs in edits or paperwork, the name of her e-publishing company is Rogue Phoenix Press. You can find them on the Web at ****.

Or maybe she's fixing her Web site. Donna's right! Chris, your writing info has been replaced by swim team information. :)

Christine Young said...

My wonderful sweet husband, accidentally put swimteam info on the website.

Sorry, we have too many pans in the fire or whatever that saying is.

Julie Robinson said...

Thanks, Genene, for having Christine. I shall forward her publishing sit to my local writing group. (I know I'm too late for the contest, but just wanted to say hello.

P.S. Christine, I walk and talk--by myself. At least to the outside observer, you look like the two of you are having a conversation. Well, the two of you ARE having a conversation---but that doesn't include the friend you're walking with!!

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Hi, Julie!

I'm so pleased that you are visiting all the authors' sites! Such a great way to discover new stories!

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Hi, Julie!

I'm so pleased that you are visiting all the authors' sites! Such a great way to discover new stories!